What is the IELTS?

The IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System which is a standardized test of English language proficiency. The IELTS is designed to assess the language skills of people who want to study or work in an English-speaking environment. It is accepted by over 10,000 universities, colleges and other institutions worldwide.

The IELTS consists of four modules: reading, writing, listening and speaking. 

The reading and writing modules are both scored on a scale from 0-9 with 9 being the highest achievable score. 

The listening and speaking modules are each scored on a scale from 0-10 with 10 being the highest achievable score.

To see more details about each band. Follow this link: IELTS:Score Bands

IELTS test types

 IELTS is divided into two categories: 

  • Academic and General Training. Both examinations evaluate your hearing, reading, writing, and speaking abilities in English.
                                                           Academic IELTS         General Training

Ways to take IELTS

IELTS offers each student to take its test with two options according to each person's preference. 

  • IELTS on paper: In an official IELTS test center, test takers must sit at a desk with question papers and answer sheets for the Reading, Listening, and Writing tests. Test takers will use either a pen or HB-pencils to write their responses. The Speaking examination is conducted in front of a certified IELTS examiner.

  • IELTS on computer: In an official IELTS test center, test takers must complete the Reading, Listening, and Writing tests in front of a computer with the questions displayed on the screen. The exam takers then utilize a keyboard and a mouse to submit their answers. The Speaking examination is conducted face-to-face with a professional IELTS examiner and does not take place on a computer.


IELTS is a good choice for a variety of reasons.

  • The results will be available in 5 to 7 days (computer-delivered) and 13 days (hand-delivered) (paper-based).
  • The test is available at more than 1,600 places across 140 countries.
  • IELTS is accepted as proof of language proficiency by over 10,000 organizations throughout the world.


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IELTS: Score Bands